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About Racer

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Contribute To Racer!

We Want You!

We'd love you to contribute to the label!

Racer Records is, first and foremost, a fan-oriented company. I started the company because I'm a music fan, and I wanted to bring some of the music I love to a wider audience.

I also want you to feel involved. The fans and the artists are the two sides of the Racer brain. That's why I solicit your comments - I want to know what you think of Racer, what we're doing right and what else we should be doing.

There are several ways we'd like to get you involved in what we do.

Help us find bands.

Several of you suggested local bands on your comment cards. Others mentioned that you're in a band. We love to hear new music. Please feel free to send demos (or encourage your friends to send stuff) to Racer Records, Attn: A & R. We will listen to everything we get. Please be patient, though - we sometimes get swamped, and have a hard time getting to everything right away. ... by the way, we like to get lyric sheets, and bios and photos are always nice.

Recommend favorite charities.

We try to put our profits back into the community - the local community and the global community. Even in months when we don't turn a profit, we try to make a small donation to a worthy cause. We'd like your suggestions about places where our money can do some good. Just drop us a note with the name of the organization, plus whatever information you've got: phone number, address, activities, and so on.

Help fill our scrapbook.

We know lots of newspapers and magazines have mentioned us. Unfortunately, we usually never see the publication itself. We'd be most grateful for your help in tracking down these notices. If you see an article mentioning Racer Records, cut it out and send it in.

Help build our press list.

If there's a local newspaper in your area that reviews albums or covers music news, we'd like to know. You can help a lot by sending us the masthead (which lists the editors and the address). If you write music news or album reviews for a publication of any size, including school publications, please write and let us know. We're thrilled when people review the compilation (especially when they list the 800 number), and if you're interested in reviewing an album, we can try to get you a review copy.

Keep in touch.

We love to hear from you. We especially like to get electronic mail. If you have a modem, you can send us mail on CompuServe at 74774,71, or stop in to Section 7 of the Recording Industry Forum (GO RACER) or Section 13 of RockNet (GO ROCKNET). On America Online, write to us at RacerSnake. If you use the Internet, send mail to racer@racerrecords.com. Of course, we love regular mail, too. Just write to the Fillmore Street address.

Excerpted from The Racer Record, the Racer Records newsletter. Copyright 1993 Racer Records.

This page was last updated on March 3, 2004 by Kristi Wachter.